Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How to Earn from your Blogs

I have been desperately looking for some good income generating activities for my blogs and websites and I stumbled upon from the blog of one my readers who posted comment on one of my posts. I can’t thank him enough for leading me to adgitize because for the first time in my blogging career, I was able to generate real dollar revenues which keeps on growing the more I write articles and visit the adgitize website and the blogs of fellow members. Though the earnings are not large enough to make you rich or make you call home about it, it is definitely one which will enable to you to increase your blogs exposure and ranking on the World Wide Web. I can attest to the increase in my blogs readership since I signed up for adgitize and I am very happy about it.

The system works by giving you corresponding points for every article you write and for every click you make to members’ sites. The total points you generate on a given day is then ranked against the pooled total points of all the members and you are given a certain percentage based on your actual performance. For being a publisher, you are given 100 points per article per day plus click points for clicking on members’ websites and blogs. You also earn points for clicks on adgitize ads in your blog plus points on your blog’s page views. The higher the points you generate  in a day, the higher the pay is. If you are casually doing this publisher thing, your would normally earn a few cents everyday but if you have the extra few dollars to buy an ad for yourself in the adgitize network, you will reap a much higher point and earnings. It is therefore suggested that you also buy an ad to earn multiple points which translates to more dollars for you. The recovery of your 14 dollars ad investment is way faster plus you will see your blog traffic soar by ten-folds or greater.

Sign-up for free now by clicking on the banner at the top of the page and see for yourself what it can do for your blog traffic and for your quest to experience the joy of earning online. Happy adgitizing!

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